15 Signs The Guy You’re Dating Isn’t The Woke Bae He Thinks He Is

So you've finally found someone who claims to be fully enlightened and socially aware, but is he really as woke as he claims? It's time to delve deeper and discover if your date's beliefs are genuine or just a facade. Don't be fooled by surface-level statements - take a closer look at their actions and behaviors. And if you're looking for some thought-provoking conversation, check out some thought-provoking content to get the conversation flowing.

When it comes to dating, finding someone who shares your values and beliefs can be incredibly important. You might think that you’ve found the perfect “woke bae” – a guy who is socially and politically aware, and who actively supports causes that are important to you. However, it’s important to be aware that not all guys who claim to be woke actually live up to their own hype. Here are 15 signs that the guy you’re dating isn’t the woke bae he thinks he is.

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1. He Doesn’t Listen to You

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One of the key signs that a guy isn’t as woke as he claims to be is if he doesn’t listen to you. If he constantly interrupts you, dismisses your opinions, or talks over you, it’s a clear sign that he doesn’t truly value your voice and perspective.

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2. He Doesn’t Advocate for Social Justice

A woke bae should be actively advocating for social justice causes, whether it’s through volunteering, donating, or using his platform to raise awareness. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t show any interest in social justice issues, it’s a red flag.

3. He Doesn’t Educate Himself

It’s one thing to claim to be woke, but it’s another thing entirely to actually educate yourself on social and political issues. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t take the time to educate himself on important topics, it’s a sign that his wokeness might be more for show than anything else.

4. He Doesn’t Respect Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is a fundamental aspect of being woke. If the guy you’re dating consistently crosses your boundaries, it’s a clear sign that he doesn’t truly understand or respect the concept of consent and personal autonomy.

5. He Doesn’t Acknowledge His Privilege

Being woke means being aware of your privilege and using it to advocate for those who are marginalized. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t acknowledge his own privilege, it’s a sign that his wokeness might be performative rather than genuine.

6. He Doesn’t Support Your Causes

A woke bae should be supportive of the causes that are important to you. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t show any interest in supporting the causes that matter to you, it’s a clear sign that his wokeness might not extend beyond his own interests.

7. He Doesn’t Challenge Problematic Behavior

Part of being woke is calling out problematic behavior, whether it’s within your own social circle or in the wider community. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t challenge problematic behavior when he sees it, it’s a sign that his wokeness might be more about maintaining the status quo than effecting real change.

8. He Doesn’t Stand Up for You

A woke bae should stand up for you when you’re facing discrimination or mistreatment. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t have your back when it counts, it’s a clear sign that his commitment to social justice might be superficial.

9. He Doesn’t Engage in Meaningful Conversations

Being woke means being willing to engage in meaningful, sometimes difficult conversations about social and political issues. If the guy you’re dating shies away from these conversations, it’s a sign that his wokeness might not run as deep as he claims.

10. He Doesn’t Diversify His Social Circle

A truly woke individual should actively seek out diverse perspectives and experiences. If the guy you’re dating only surrounds himself with people who look and think like him, it’s a sign that his wokeness might be more about optics than genuine inclusivity.

11. He Doesn’t Take Responsibility for His Mistakes

Part of being woke is taking responsibility for your own mistakes and learning from them. If the guy you’re dating consistently deflects blame and refuses to acknowledge his own missteps, it’s a clear sign that his wokeness might be more about virtue signaling than genuine growth.

12. He Doesn’t Support Intersectional Feminism

A woke bae should be a strong advocate for intersectional feminism, which recognizes the ways in which social and political issues intersect and impact individuals differently. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t support intersectional feminism, it’s a sign that his wokeness might be limited in scope.

13. He Doesn’t Show Empathy

Empathy is a key component of being woke. If the guy you’re dating consistently lacks empathy for others, it’s a clear sign that his commitment to social justice might be superficial.

14. He Doesn’t Take Action

Being woke isn’t just about talking the talk – it’s also about walking the walk. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t take meaningful action to support the causes he claims to care about, it’s a sign that his wokeness might be more about appearances than genuine commitment.

15. He Doesn’t Evolve

Finally, being woke is an ongoing process of growth and evolution. If the guy you’re dating doesn’t show a willingness to learn and grow, it’s a sign that his wokeness might be more about maintaining a certain image than truly engaging with important issues.

In conclusion, it’s important to be mindful of the signs that the guy you’re dating might not be the woke bae he claims to be. By paying attention to how he behaves and engages with social and political issues, you can better determine whether his commitment to social justice is genuine or performative. Remember, you deserve to be with someone who truly shares your values and beliefs, and who is willing to actively support the causes that matter to you.